Dental blog

Dental blog is created to share with our patients some common dental conditions. We try to present them in a readable format. Dental materials are continuously improved, new skills are available, concepts have changed. We believe that patients should be kept in the loop so that they receive the best possible options and treatments that…

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Cracked tooth syndrome

Crack tooth syndrome By Dr Rosalind Ho Crack tooth syndrome is a painful condition of the tooth associated with some signs and symptoms History: 1 usually related to excessive occlusal or biting forces 2 patient bit something hard 3 patient grinds and /or clench teeth at night. Typical Signs and Symptoms; 1 sharp pain on…

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Why are my teeth sensitive

By Dr Oh Xue Ling Why are my teeth sensitive? One of the most common complains patients have when they visit their dentist is for sensitive teeth. “Why are my teeth sensitive?’ , they wonder. They will usually complain of a short sharp pain upon drinking cold/hot food and drinks or when eating sweet…

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